Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei praised the nation's boldness in standing up to what he called global arrogance, a term mainly referring to the United States.
"The Iranian nation has the courage to say, 'Death to America,'" Khamenei told an audience gathered at his headquarters on Sunday.
Noting that Iran is not alone in the global struggle against oppressive powers, he said, “The difference between the Iranian nation and others is that it has the courage to say this reality that America is aggressive, a liar, a deceiver, and a colonialist and is not committed to any of the principles of humanity; therefore, it says 'Death to America,' but others do not have the courage to express these truths and stand against America and fulfill their share in the fight against arrogance.”
Since its establishment 46 years ago, Iran’s Islamic government has promoted the slogan "Death to America." However, many Iranians on social media and commentators within the country advocate for improved relations and criticize such rhetoric.
Khamenei added that the Iranian nation not only did not suffer a blow and remained unscathed in its 46-year confrontation with the world's arrogant powers but also grew and progressed in all spheres. "Today's Iran is not the Iran of 40 years ago and has grown in all directions; the Iranian nation has been patient and striving and has made progress."
Tehran's confrontation with the United States has brought on harsh economic sanctions that have gradually weakened the country's economy, creating high, double-digit inflation and reduced international trade and investment.
The Supreme Leader also pointed to the recent war in Gaza between its Palestinian ally Hamas and Israel, as an example of the defeat of Iran's two archenemies.
"No one could have imagined it: Gaza, a small and besieged territory, standing victorious against the combined might of Israel and the United States. This extraordinary outcome was only possible through divine intervention."
Since a ceasefire deal in Gaza last month, Iranian officials claim victory for Hamas, while their critics point to the large-scale destruction and loss of life among Palestinians.
Infighting among rival factions in Tehran continues over potential US negotiations following Khamenei’s implicit green light earlier this week—though tempered by his deep-seated distrust of America.
Meanwhile, several key politicians who previously opposed talks with the US are now repositioning themselves, adjusting their stances.
Despite Khamenei hinting at a willingness to negotiate, his representatives across the country criticized the government's approach and voiced their opposition to possible US talks.